Tuesday, March 17, 2020


This time I have a simple message: If you are over 50, stay at home if you can. If you get cabin fever, go outdoors. You can even drive somewhere. If you run out of gas, go to the least busy gas station, wipe hands with sanitizer after fill up. Any business you need to do, try a drive through one. Use a credit card.

Now, that was easy. Almost nobody argues against quarantine, not even Trump after a few weeks. Only people like Nunes are acting like idiots. Most governors are reacting.

We are not going to shut down businesses, and people who do not work with services but make or reseach products have to go to work. And they are not even in danger, if they are under 50.

0.4% of Coronavirus deaths in 2020 in the US (and Europe) have been in people under 50. If they died, mostly they had a medical condition.

(There is at least one in their 40s and two in their 50s among the first 60 in US)
However, if you can quarantine yourself, please do! You are doing it for us who are over 50, even more for us who are over 60. I am in a medium size city that has no coronavirus cases. There is a small number in the state, but they are in the county that has the major airport. I am not likely to meet any infectious person in the next few weeks, if I do not travel by air. We took a trip by car for 6 hours and spent a weekend in a big city. I think it had less than 5 cases then. We took a risk. Many others would not take that risk. It's been 10 days, so it is unlikely I caught even the flu there.

MISIFORMATION: There is a lot of misinformation out there regarding the virus. There is even bad infromation from "experts" on practices to avoid the virus. The recommendations are not awful, but THEY MAY GIVE YOU A FALSE SENSE OF SECURITY, if you practice them.

Stay home, move outdoors, try to get a new routine during our pandemic weeks and months. I will probably vote in the primary, but as I will eventually vote for our party, it is not essential to go. (Turns out we can have a mail in primary).