Saturday, July 2, 2022

Supreme Courts and Three Legged Cats

 What will the supreme court do with abortion next year? it seems to have taken this right of control of our bodies and thrown it to the states to decide what these freedoms are. 

But, in a year or two, or under a Republican president, they may decide that since this right was not stated in the 14th Amendment in detail, perhaps congress does have some power after all? Let's ban it all over the USA. 

It's a bit like the little girl and the drawing of the cat. Your cat has three legs? we ask.

She says it has four. Where is the fourth? She points to the tail. And where, then, is the tail? She points to the tail. But you said it was the fourth leg. "It was. Now it's the tail."

The work of the Supreme Court seems to be looking at words and punctuation. And looking to see if that word is a "leg" or a "tail."

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

Looking at that, the Republicans see arms and rights. Must not restrict any of those. A Democrat justice would look at "right to bear" and see that it's difficult to control. The court may have been correct in the New York case, so let's leave it at that. But times change. We have permits and things for cars. We have federal permits for many other things. You can control even free speech through the FCC as some speech is very dangerous. Let us then control the ARMS part of the amendment. The federal government CAN control the arms! Let us ban hand guns and AR-15s!

The game of the court seems to be somewhat sophisticated as far reading legal language and precedent. But when the final opinion comes out, it is just word play according to your convictions and beliefs.  Several judges are definitely anti big government, anti rules for all of the USA. Throw in a few fancy words like "egregious" and voila, you have a new ruling. Your ruling is now law. Until another court comes along,