Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Critical Race Theory

 If you read the Wikipedia article on CRT, you will be a little confused. You get that it has some legal meaning in court cases, that's about it.

There are bout 2 black scholars who came up with the term. One is a feminist, the other is a lawyer. They explain it in...many words.

It simply means that the current laws and regulations are ineffective in preventing all but whites being discriminated. Even some liberals just say "we took care of that." We did not.

It never says it plainly but you would need to be quite dim not to grasp that a good chunk of white people are still racist.

I do not know what it says about blacks. But there is jealousy of those blacks that became part of the elite.

Friday, February 4, 2022

Three Things Voters Rely On

We have a midterm election coming. The voters always think of the president two years before and their promises. If things are not clearly better, and there is a bit of a crisis like a pandemic, they tend to punish the sitting president. That is, if they are voters that change parties from election to election.

Biden has a steady flat 50-52% disapproval.

But even the party voters need something to quickly make up their mind. Mostly about whether to vote at all. The things are 1) how are things for me? 2) how is the economy? and 3) what are people I talk to saying?

The economy thing ALWAYS tends to punish a president, unless we have 9-11, are at war or some other big thing is taking over the news. House Republicans have a twitter account and keep telling us Biden ruined energy and gas is therefore more expensive. And he caused inflation. The second one is not ever true. Occasionally a president can bail out an industry or save voters from being evicted. But Biden's influence is otherwise little. We have a highly competitive, capitalistic economy. There is nearly no "socialism" going on, other than Obamacare.

But even the energy claim is false. We are mining fuel as before and fossil fuel has not suffered. I've marked the Trump presidency with a blue dot.

This is from a government website. Just google the words in the caption to see full figures. We are going full steam ahead. The dip is the pandemic when the whole economy was slowed down and we did not drive as much.

The claim by the Republicans about the Keystone XL pipe affecting prices is also false. First of all it never got built, so there is nothing that got shut down. Secondly, the tar sands oil going thru now (existing pipe lines) makes very poor diesel type of oil not even used for trucks and all goes to export. You cannot improve tar sands oil to make it more like normal fuel, as the cost of doing that no longer makes it "cheap oil" and it will not compete with oil we import. It would also waste sources like propane or methane that we use for heating.

But back to the voter. The republican voter is fully convinced that Biden is bad for fossil fuels and we are paying more, if the House republicans just keep repeating the mantra.