Friday, February 23, 2024

Democrats vs. MAGA

The part of the population that Trump has captured seems to be as dumb as Trump himself.

All the racist stuff, "build the wall" and every other somewhat popular item Trump has made an issue seems to be something that Democrats can address. They can explain alternatives and propose a more reasonable solution.

There is one thing the Democrats did not count on. The attack on GLOBALISM. The results were seen in the Trump first term, but neither side took much notice of the tariffs on steel. MSNBC barely touched it. The US does not make all grades of steel and metal alloys. Those are imported and some are high tech materials. There was a problem, but the makers of products just paid the higher price, often to European steel.

China was the target for Trump, Chinese steel. "The U.S. tariffs affected about $350 billion in imports from China, or about 18% of the total, while China’s tariffs covered about $100 billion, or about 11%, of goods imported from the U.S. " From my state Trump gave subsidies or some support to soybean growers, exporting it to China. More at link:

The US is dependent on China for most of its consumer products as well as a good part of industrial products. Bulk chemicals are made in China, India and other places in Asia. These bulk chemícals are essential for drugs and sweeteners as well as polymers.

The disruption to life that Trump could bring about by isolating us, paying high tariffs for essential products as well as military issues would bring chaos in four years.

The MAGA wing of the GOP has no idea how the US government is involved in global trade and directing the traffic of goods. They just want to reduce the federal government to nothing. Their favorite saying is that "the government does not make anything."  Basically they only want an army and a mint to print money. This is just not going to work. Not even California is ready to operate as an independent state.

Getting on to domestic affairs, here is a summary.

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