Monday, October 14, 2024

It seems that FOREIGNERS are indeed Trump's trump card

 He does not seem to be winning in other areas, so it makes sense to repeat the claim, from Ohio to Colorado to California.

I took a few wild guessed in the 538 polling game.

I took the view that the ones that agree to answer at all are angry about 1 migrants or 2 abortion.

You can do your own guessing here:

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Information overload

Why is it people are confused about issues and are often labeled low information voters? It is, I claim, because there is just too much stuff out there coming to you via the Internet.  Most of it is not factual. Compare this to the everyman on the train or even the union worker in 1900. Or compare news today to to the TV news of the 70s with Walter Cronkite. The worker read his newspaper daily cover to cover. Especially election years. He read the comics too, it took 5 minutes. 

The TV watcher got the general idea of Vietnam from Cronkite. The war was going badly.Now compare to today's Internet news consumer. There is too much. They lose interest. They are more likely to click around with sports, entertainement and everything that is not news.

Chris Hayes has a book coming out February that touches on this overload of infromation and entertainment coming to us. The people that just are not interested in elections are not going to get much further information on the two candidates. They will actually dismiss most of the news on Trump or Harris. The only decision that they will take some time with is whether to vote or not.

Monday, October 7, 2024

White Males and others...the Trump Coalition

 It was a populist movement, a cult. It lasted a good 9-10 years. Trump has almos run out of steam, though there is some bluster still left to Trump at a rally. I think Trum is going to lose. But that does not solve our problem. These voters are still there in 2028. It will be hard to pass any major reform, such as rules for the Supreme Court and any plans to take the lifetime appointment away. As well as border plans. Some plan will emerge, but the Trump folks want zero immigrant admitted. 

He captured white males. Polls list men without a college degree. This Brookings chart lists just the so called working class. Overall, the Trump support is white males, but in the working class also a good portion of women. In the middle class voters it is not that way.

There is at times a lack of interst in an election from this group regarding the issues and a candidate. You can see it for McCain, but not especially for Romney. He was as far as possible from the working class!

A website has listed the types of Trump voters we had in the 2016 election:

I've abbreviated the groups:

1. Staunch Conservatives (not recent, the always Republicans)

2. Free Marketers (tech boys, Musk)

3. American Preservationists. The people who think there is some idea of "America" that is under attack

4. Anti-Elites (I would include some libertrians, they just hate all of the federal gov't)

5. The Disengaged. People who literally don't care about politics. (there for trhe show, many of them racists this time around).

In the same way that you can trust that nearly 100% of Harley Davidson owners are Trumpers, you can get the feel for certain groups gravitating toward Trump.

The big strawman that Trump created for these people to focus on is illegal aliens. They are monsters, according to Trump. Groups 1-5 are not going to argue against that.