Wednesday, February 26, 2025
Monday, February 24, 2025
Coping with...all of it
Trump alone is a big task to deal with. Most of the voters do not want or need a president who is in the media daily with some new or recycled "tweet" and entire countries have fates that depend on his quirks.
But we have to move on. Last November I had some thoughts about my state and the blog picture was the first one of me out here on the edge of endless cornfields. And a city with a university.
The full force of Trump came in January, we are a week into it. The weeks were quite gloomy for weather and cold. I did spend time outside (recommneded!) about half the days. It is very springlike today. I took my hat off half way into the same walk. I think it is the same spot but maybe facing the other direction. The trees are similar.
We are all coping with reckless changes in Washington. Some have real fears "losing all" very soon as Congress goes and does what Trump and Musk want.
So we have a lot of frustration and anxiety. This is not a post to belittle any of it or make more dystopia predictions. We need to get on with our year. Yes, plan on that, a year. I am retired so I need to "invent" each day. I do as many chores as I can without paying someone to do much at all.
I know a young person who put a list together to deal with this, for you as a person.
1- Recognize your values: Living without regret begins with recognizing where to place your values, time, and effort. What are your values when it comes to this election season? Are the ways you spend your energy around it fulfilling? Are they adding to your values or distracting from them?
2- Review what actions you can take: Are there things I can do to make changes? This in essence is a review of what I could influence and what I could not. Consider which actions are realistically within your control and which are outside of your control.
3- Take Action: Allow yourself to try new things and take calculated risks to broaden your experiences. Find organizations that support the issues you’re concerned about and begin to get involved.
4- Enjoy the Moment: As you are participating in the areas that are important to you, focus on the present rather than worrying about what might go wrong. There will always be “more” to do but it is impossible to do it all.
5- Observe and Adjust: Look ahead not back; are there adjustments to make in the present about your next actions? Can your time, talent, or finances be more effective elsewhere? Adjust accordingly!
Some of the steps in a solid cope ahead plan for election season might include
- anticipating emotions
- connecting with a support system
- practicing healthy coping strategies
- managing media consumption
- engaging in positive or fun distractions
- and connecting with a community with shared values
Wednesday, February 19, 2025
Downsizing and Other Preparations
It's a few weeks into the Trump term. Let's not kid ourselves, we have a dictator. And a racist one at that. We have states and courts, so it is not like we do not have some way to maintain democracy at the state level. Trump has little power over my basic freedoms at this point. But he has power over my income.
Congress is not doing much. The GOP is not resisting Trump at all. All their actions indicate we are headed to a US with no elections at all. Trump and Musk will then eliminate Medicare and Social Security.
This is where we get to downsizing. I have STUFF. I am keeping material on family history for about 70 years, pictures and all. And I have interests in retirement that made me buy books, mostly. My music collection has mostly stopped. These are topics that interested me for 10 years:
Thursday, February 13, 2025
They are getting a taste of their own medicine now!
Listening to news, Democrats and MAGA voters are both going to get a lot of painful news, when the other party is in power. I am not quite sure why the MAGA voters bother to watch Fox when they could just turn off the TV news for four years. Just watch entertainement. But they watched this.
Sunday, February 9, 2025
Trump: cruelty is the point
The voters acted based on fear and selfish motivations. There was no room at all in the 2024 election for any program directed at citizens from the Trump side. Some promises were there to protect the white majority from all kinds of evils they made straw men of. But no direct aid to any individuals.
Bush senior made the Thousand Points of Light speech. At that point there was an assumption that you would take care of those in need. Even if it was only by charity. Medicaid was still there. Perhaps the Republicans of the Bush age still wanted their parents to get some care after they lost all and were in a nursing home. Even that is soon gone.
Trump has only revenge and cruelty to offer. It will entertain his voters in the "owning libs" sense. Black Lives Matter only led to the right rejecting DEI altogether. This is what we get for all four years of Trump. If he lasts that long. I think his revenge campaign lasts about a year. Then golfing, I hope. There is the danger that Musk is left in power past that time. He is going to be functioning in some role for about two years. He has his own goals to meet.
Trump, with a 1-2% majority, will suppress all opinions that make him look bad. That in itself looks awful. A petty dictator wannabee taking his revenge on evey one of us in the 50% that does not approve him. Trump disapproval is at 47-51%, depending on the poll. But the average will soon get to 55% when a few more planes fall out of the sky and when Musk does more stupid things.
The Voters
Trump voters look really bad now. They will make excuses, exclaiming what kind of awful people are in the Democratic party. If nothing else, they will claim they are honest hard working Americans. Democrats are lazy bums. Get a job!
The Trump coalition did include some ethnic groups. Those people will have to evaluate things for 2028. For now, they are making excuses as well.
Democrats are a coalition. We need to tolarate a large range of opinions and focus on the ones we share. It all looks really awful from our point of view. We have a good chunk of the educated people in our country supporting us. We try to focus on a future we can achieve with some long term planning. MAGA folk lack education and only think about the next paycheck. We have a problem with this unified "stupid" group. Who are proud to be....stupid. They do not use that word, but that is what it is.
I do have a new theory of why Biden was unpopular. Vaccinations. The vaccinations were carried out in huge events. Many a MAGA voter reluctantly took it. We have to get on with life. But the pandemic hung over us, the administration kept managing it and Fauci lectured to us. That all was "too much government" hanging over his head. And he sure was not getting a second COVID shot. He never goes to the doctor, even. For healthcare now, the MAGA folk will enjoy "freedom" and no nagging CDC or other agencies sending out warnings.
As far as cruelty, the concept is rather alien on the Democratic side. We do not mind giving benefits to everyone, so cutting off benefits or making DEI disappear for groups that are not hired due to some prejudice all sound strange to us. The best we can do for revenge is that some of the awful things MAGA voters have brought us through Trump will make them suffer as well. Perhaps they won't bother to vote next time. They clearly had not idea the government does things beneficial to us. We are only cruel to the rich. They can afford it. Their lives are sad anyway. Bitter people with millions in property somehow feel like it is unfair. We have no sympathy.
Friday, February 7, 2025
Conspiracy theories in politics: fun shared hobby to "blame the liberals and elites"
Conspiracy theories are filling up social media. Alex Jones is happy. He lives for conspiracies.
I was mainly interested in how the use of them is tightly joined to the right at this time. Jewish space lasers? Green had specific ideas with that. Wikipedia even dug up a Jewish business connection. See under Marjorie Taylor Greene.It did not have the right impact without the "Jewish" part. The purpose is to at first grab attention and spread like wildfire. But there are parts that the person inventing the conspiracy wants to hang on to. She gets her people to share their ideas and make fun of elites. "Owning the libs."
Trump himself seems to grab onto a new one every time he can. If you can attach a country or ethnic group to it, even better. Trump has no use for facts. He needs these things like he needs rallies. Material for his stand up routine. He does not need to explain it well, like Hannibal Lecter. It is just there for a joke. He needs the crowds and social media for the stuff. He is going to be so depressed when he is nothing in a few years and TV has gone past him and his weird hobbies.
To sum up: My take is that there are only two goals: 1 distract and throw doubt on something, get political support of the regular folks in doubting the elites 2 togetherness, sharing.
With Trump there is a big factor that is maybe in all the wacko end of MAGA polticians: secret message to the faithful followers suggesting something rather disgusting about a group (Jews, foreigners, libs) without actually using the word. "They are eating our cats and dogs." It was too good not to use.
Wednesday, February 5, 2025
Conversations with Average Republican Congressman
On his FB page.
Day 2
Most of the comments below that are not on Israel, more like "do your job." I've copied my posts and those of "Tim" and others:
Me: Congressman Bacon won by 5000 votes. He is sbout to
steal Medicaid from 41 000 in his district.
Tim: Steal Medicaid? Get real. Freebies be disqualified
isn’t stolen. It’s not deserved
Me: Dump the nursing home patients on the street then? 60%
of those in Omaha nursing homes. Medicare does not cover it. They are not
"able bodied adults." Beyond that, hundreds of Omahans are working
full time and now can't afford insulin or similar daily drugs.
Tim: Sure you got all the numbers there little buddy . Cant
take care of the world . But maybe worry about Finland .
Me: I do worry. But I have paid American income tax and
property tax for 50 years. I've never worried about "wrong people"
getting insulin paid by me.
Tim: The country voted massively to reduce waste. If you
don’t think there is not massive waste in all government to bad . Move back
Me: There is not massive waste. The work force is reduced
from its peak and seasonal projects are all contracted out. Compared to Western
countries, our expense is in the low end. The US federal work force is huge,
but so is the country. Being America, there is only waste in courts as the
government sorts out issues. More planes will crash under Trump, FEMA will be
scrapped. Wait for the next Nebraska floods in spring.
Brian: I never imagined the United States would align with
authoritarian regimes. Under President Trump’s administration, our nation has
joined Russia, North Korea, Iran, Belarus in opposing a United Nations
resolution condemning Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. This marks a significant
shift in U.S. foreign policy, distancing us from our traditional European
allies. It’s a stark reminder of how fragile democratic alliances can be and a
warning of the potential erosion of our nation’s moral leadership on the global
Connie (note she does not mention tax cuts): Republicans in
Nebraska are counting on you to vote Republican Mr Bacon and to vote to
eliminate trillions of dollars of debt! Thanks!
Joseph: Are you willing to turn your self into authorities
for your part in the government fraud waste and abuse that has been knowingly
funded by you and legislative branch since you have taken office?
Alex: It’s really weird to brag about your support of
apartheid, ethnic cleansing, and genocide. You should be ashamed, but you’re
not because you’re a soulless monster.
Joan: when's your town hall Don? when are you going to explain to Nebraska why you sold us out to rapist, 34 time convicted felon. You may be scared of him, but you should be more afraid of the people you're selling out for a pat on the head