Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Conversations with Average Republican Congressman

 On his FB page.

Day 2


Most of the comments below that are not on Israel, more like "do your job." I've copied my posts and those of "Tim" and others:

Me: Congressman Bacon won by 5000 votes. He is sbout to steal Medicaid from 41 000 in his district.

Tim: Steal Medicaid? Get real. Freebies be disqualified isn’t stolen. It’s not deserved

Me: Dump the nursing home patients on the street then? 60% of those in Omaha nursing homes. Medicare does not cover it. They are not "able bodied adults." Beyond that, hundreds of Omahans are working full time and now can't afford insulin or similar daily drugs.

Tim: Sure you got all the numbers there little buddy . Cant take care of the world . But maybe worry about Finland .

Me: I do worry. But I have paid American income tax and property tax for 50 years. I've never worried about "wrong people" getting insulin paid by me.

Tim: The country voted massively to reduce waste. If you don’t think there is not massive waste in all government to bad . Move back

Me: There is not massive waste. The work force is reduced from its peak and seasonal projects are all contracted out. Compared to Western countries, our expense is in the low end. The US federal work force is huge, but so is the country. Being America, there is only waste in courts as the government sorts out issues. More planes will crash under Trump, FEMA will be scrapped. Wait for the next Nebraska floods in spring.

Brian: I never imagined the United States would align with authoritarian regimes. Under President Trump’s administration, our nation has joined Russia, North Korea, Iran, Belarus in opposing a United Nations resolution condemning Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. This marks a significant shift in U.S. foreign policy, distancing us from our traditional European allies. It’s a stark reminder of how fragile democratic alliances can be and a warning of the potential erosion of our nation’s moral leadership on the global stage.

Connie (note she does not mention tax cuts): Republicans in Nebraska are counting on you to vote Republican Mr Bacon and to vote to eliminate trillions of dollars of debt! Thanks!

Joseph: Are you willing to turn your self into authorities for your part in the government fraud waste and abuse that has been knowingly funded by you and legislative branch since you have taken office?

Alex: It’s really weird to brag about your support of apartheid, ethnic cleansing, and genocide. You should be ashamed, but you’re not because you’re a soulless monster.

Jim: How about your role model selling out Ukraine?? Also, you are OK with a 40% reduction in the DOD budget over the next five years?? You've been awfully quiet lately!!!

Joan: when's your town hall Don? when are you going to explain to Nebraska why you sold us out to rapist, 34 time convicted felon. You may be scared of him, but you should be more afraid of the people you're selling out for a pat on the head

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