Monday, February 24, 2025

Coping with...all of it

Trump alone is a big task to deal with. Most of the voters do not want or need a president who is in the media daily with some new or recycled "tweet" and entire countries have fates that depend on his quirks.

But we have to move on. Last November I had some thoughts about my state and the blog picture was the first one of me out here on the edge of endless cornfields. And a city with a university.

The full force of Trump came in January, we are a week into it. The weeks were quite gloomy for weather and cold. I did spend time outside (recommneded!) about half the days. It is very springlike today. I took my hat off half way into the same walk. I think it is the same spot but maybe facing the other direction. The trees are similar.

We are all coping with reckless changes in Washington. Some have real fears "losing all" very soon as Congress goes and does what Trump and Musk want. 


So we have a lot of frustration and anxiety. This is not a post to belittle any of it or make more dystopia predictions. We need to get on with our year. Yes, plan on that, a year.  I am retired so I need to "invent" each day. I do as many chores as I can without paying someone to do much at all. 

I know a young person who put a list together to deal with this, for you as a person.

1- Recognize your values: Living without regret begins with recognizing where to place your values, time, and effort. What are your values when it comes to this election season? Are the ways you spend your energy around it fulfilling? Are they adding to your values or distracting from them?

2- Review what actions you can take: Are there things I can do to make changes? This in essence is a review of what I could influence and what I could not. Consider which actions are realistically within your control and which are outside of your control.

3- Take Action:  Allow yourself to try new things and take calculated risks to broaden your experiences. Find organizations that support the issues you’re concerned about and begin to get involved. 

4- Enjoy the Moment: As you are participating in the areas that are important to you, focus on the present rather than worrying about what might go wrong. There will always be “more” to do but it is impossible to do it all. 

5- Observe and Adjust: Look ahead not back; are there adjustments to make in the present about your next actions? Can your time, talent, or finances be more effective elsewhere? Adjust accordingly! 

Some of the steps in a solid cope ahead plan for election season might include

  • anticipating emotions
  • connecting with a support system
  • practicing healthy coping strategies
  • managing media consumption
  • engaging in positive or fun distractions
  • and connecting with a community with shared values  

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