Number one: Voters somehow create a personal buddy out of presidential candidates. They know how they sound and how they act. It's almost like they are looking for a friend. The Trump weird uncle act seemed to work for a good half of the voters. There was a good bit of anger at various groups and issues. That also needs to be genuine. It was in fact for harris to accomplish that part. The fear was in fact the fear of another four years of Trump. Yet Trump has had years to seek out the people that have supported him for all that time. A few Biden voters were lost to Trump this year for some of those reasons.
Quit running lawyers and career politicians for Congress and Senate!
The people just can't relate to you. You can't just run people that are clearly labeled as educated and part of the elite. Trump rarely used a word that you would need to go to college to understand. And some that he was supposed to learn he had no clue about (tariffs). But our new candidates mostly need to appear like Marie Perez.
Yes, we can keep all those green funded programs. As long as they create jobs.
The hot potato topics need to be sorted. We can't exactly avoid abortion. Some politicians do in fact need to keep up the fight and have to be vocal. But not the President. That person just needs to pass the laws that his or her party can get through congress on that issue.
Transgender issues need to be focused on recognizing this group as genuine. Forget the bathroom stuff.
The elephant in the room is the wage gap. The low wage jobs are going to be there, there is no way around that. We are not going to have robots stocking shelves at Target anytime soon. Education can only get so many out of the low wage jobs, there are not enough jobs for all of them to be trained and emplyed as...oh...web designers and technical wizards of the Internet age.
Trump somehow offered a fantasy world of an America that no longer imports. Punish China, punish Mexico. This offered the MAGA voters some excuse to vote for him. "It could not hurt, and we need the jobs." The voters also see Democrats sitll (remember Hillary?) on the side of Wall Street and corporations.
Therefore we have to listen to Elizabeth Warren. Tax the rich. We need the tax income to operate modern society. The state and federal governments run endless jobs that are necessary for our security. Make it all very open. The regulation is necessary because, as we see, the Musks of the world will run everything. There are some (very few) good people among billionaires. Some of them will have a fan base. Don't make them look evil (though they are), focus on the message that we made them successful and it is only fair they treat the workers they have and the general public with some understanding. Start with Jeff Bezos. Also, give them credit for starting charitable or non-profit foundations.
As for Trump voters, most of them cannot be reached. Long before Trump, the people that became MAGA hated government. And always will. Probably a good 20-30% of voters. Those are not the people you even address in 2026. But Harris was mostly right in putting a positive future as a goal. The lost people are not going to ever look for anything bright. There is a deep grudge and pessimism that will never disappear for them.
Finally, social media. Your platform issues need to be so short that they can be included in social media post. Use animation if necessary. Yes, we are in a TikTok world.
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